Upgrade to the Photo Sieve® Editor for Advanced Features
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Create albums to share and much more

Upgrade now for $35 U.S. and enable all features

Click your payment choice below.

Try most Editor features with Photo Sieve® menu "Help/Demo" to activate Editor features except saving.

The Editor version includes free updates for one year. For the first year, just download and install new releases which automatically work with your valid activation code. After one year, Editor features keep working in any releases installed within the first year. Releases installed after the first year revert to the Viewer version until you purchase another activation code.

You'll receive your personal activation code by e-mail, usually within a few minutes. The activation code is for one computer. Purchase additional activation codes for more computers. Just click Photo Sieve's "Help/Activate" menu option, copy your code from from the e-mail, paste into the "Activation Code" dialog and click "OK". Photo Sieve® stores the code in a file in your Photo Sieve® folder and instantly unlocks all Editor features.

By purchasing this upgrade, you agree to keep your personal activation code confidential.

If you don't receive your activation code by e-mail within a few minutes, check the Purchasing Problems page.
