Features of Photo Sieve®
Sort or search by GPS or other photo tags
Add your own comments, links, or tags
Create albums to share and much more

Download the free viewer for basic features and a demo of many advanced features.

Purchase an activation code to unlock advanced editor features. Try before you buy with Photo Sieve® menu "Help/Demo" to activate most Editor features except saving.

Photo Sieve® free viewer

Photo Sieve® editor upgrade

Load and view
Load and view
Some menu selections enabled
All menu selections enabled
Demo mode for many Editor features All features enabled
Online help Online help, and help by E-mail
Save photo albums or project bundles
Add or edit text and descriptive tags
View Microsoft Windows photo tags
Add links to other photos or websites
Batch process photo filenames and folders
Sort and search
Preview text or name replacements
Re-order photos in an album
Edit GPS tracks
Add map markers
Enhance EcoRamble guides and quests.

Group Your Photos into Albums

  • Create, save, and reload picture albums containing selected photos from anywhere on your computer.
  • Change the order of photos within an album.

Add titles, comments, or descriptive tags such as "location", "subject", or "family".

Add your own title and comments with selectable fonts, text color, and text alignment. Add links to other photos or websites. Anything you add is stored inside your photo and stays with the photo even if you move or rename it.

Easy sorting and searching

  • View photo folders and group selected photos.
  • Search photo folders on your computer by filename, date, GPS location, or text or tags entered with Photo Sieve®.
  • Photo Sieve® shows your custom categories, descriptive tags, title, filename, date, camera Exchangeable image file (Exif) tags (date taken, GPS location, shutter speed, etc.), and more in columns like a spreadsheet. Sort on one or more columns or search all stored text.
  • Search for literal text or use perl-like regular expressions for complex pattern matching.


  • Show a photo's stored GPS location
  • Choose map tiles such as street map, topo map, or satellite.
  • Create map markers
  • Load kml, kmz, or gpx GPS track files
  • Load map overlays
  • Display or delete individual GPS track points
  • Add or edit a photo's GPS location

Create or Enhance EcoRamble Guides or Quests

Use advanced editing features on files created with EcoRamble
  • Text formatting with fonts, colors, alignment, or links
  • Add tags
  • Edit GPS tracks
  • Re-order photos

Menu commands

  • Hide or remove selected photos
  • Automatically resize columns to fit the text
  • Create new custom columns
  • Cut and insert photos to change the order
  • Remove text formatting

View camera Exchangeable image file (Exif) tags

Photo Sieve® displays camera Exchangeable image file (Exif) tags such as date taken and shutter speed. If your photo includes a GPS position, Photo Sieve® displays the location on a map.

Easy sharing

Photo Sieve® stores all your custom tags and text inside the photo. All information stays with your pictures when you move or rename. Create a single file bundle with photos, map overlays, map markers, GPS tracks, text, and tags to post online or distribute for viewing by anyone with the free Photo Sieve® viewer or the free EcoRamble app for Android and iOS devices.